21 December 2024 2-5 pm

Jilani and Salik warmly welcome you to join us for our celebration of the return of the Light this year at Om Yoga Works.
Gather together with like-minded friends in a heart warming celebration at the Celtic festival of the Winter Solstice.
Using chant and movement, with the Dances of Universal Peace, we invite you to open your hearts to the light and to each other.
The Winter Solstice can be a time to look back and reflect, but also to look ahead, to dream into the coming year, and to rejoice in the light returning. We will feel into and explore the nourishment and regeneration of this time of fertile darkness, and we will rejoice in the rebirth and returning of the light. We will work with simple sacred chants and movements, beautiful live music, powerful breath practices, and sharing; and the power of ritual and ceremony.
Everything will be clearly guided and held. All are welcome, whether you are new friends or old.
If you’d like to join us for a shared meal afterwards, please bring a contribution of something delicious to share. Read more about the Dances of Universal Peace at www.dancesofuniversalpeace.org