Explore the pure, joyful, direct experience of mysticism rooted in practice, song, body prayer and mantra.
Every Friday Jilani will be online, sharing chants, body prayers and breath practices from different traditions. Join on Zoom (see link below), or on Facebook Live.
These are the practices which have brought comfort, grounding and even bliss over the millennia to humans just like us, aware of our limited physical nature and our fragility, but also aware of our infinite nature, and the awe-inspiring, loving vastness of all-that-is, in which we live and move and have our being.
I encourage you to join this journey, the path of the heart, of spiritual freedom, leading to more vibrant life and awakening, and dedicated to the alleviation of suffering. Seek out opportunities to explore and encounter the bliss and ecstasy of deep connection and mystical experience.
2.30pm London, 6.30am San Francisco, 9.30pm Singapore, 11.30pm Melbourne.
Jilani Cordelia Prescott is a Musician, a Mother, a Mystic; A Leader and Mentor of the Dances of Universal Peace; a Guide and Companion on the path of Universal Sufism or spiritual freedom.
The link to join:
Meeting ID: 829 5534 9265
Password: 011140
This is free to join. If you would like to donate to Jilani and support her in her work, you can do so via Paypal – http://paypal.me/theheartcentre (choose ‘Friends and Family’ or leave the ‘Goods and Services’ button unchecked to avoid a charge being levied)