Light of Renewal, Light of Rebirth
A Day of Dances of Universal Peace to Celebrate the Approach of the Spring Equinox
With Jilani and Robert
Saturday 15 March 2025 10.30 for 11 am start, 4.30pm finish
Cilgerran Village Hall, High Street, Cilgerran, Cardigan, Wales SA43 2SQ
In between the pillars of the Day and the Night We walk through the doorway from the Dark to the Light: the Light of Renewal, the Light of Rebirth – Light of the Earth!’
The Spring Equinox is the time of the transition from the dark of winter to the lighter half of the year. It is also the time of new birth, when daffodils bloom, lambs leap, and the earth warms with hope for a new season of growth as tender green shoots begin to appear.
On this day we will dance with simple steps and chant sacred phrases together, with our focus on our own tender shoots, and on how best to support and nourish our growth at this time. We will call on the Light of Renewal, the Divine Light, to sustain us and guide us as we grow.
All welcome! Croeso i bawb!
£30 full day (£25 if paid before 16 February) £16 half day (ask if you’d need a concession) Please bring vegetarian food to share for lunch. Teas will be provided. Tasty snacks are welcome too!
Jilani will also lead a Sufi Zikr on Friday evening at 7.30pm, at a venue near Newport, for an additional donation (we suggest around £10, but according to your means). Numbers are limited so booking is essential.
If you would like to join us for the Zikr, please contact
Emma: emmaoftheearth@hotmail.com 07887 622188 or 01239 821118.
For bookings and practical information about the Saturday workshop including the venue, please contact Sally Davies: saldavies@hotmail.com or 07766 213606
For information about the content of the workshops, please contact Jilani: jilanicordelia@gmail.com or 07966 451534
‘You don’t need to have any experience of this type of group to enjoy it and feel uplifted…The movement and singing is spiritual and peaceful.’ – Lorraine
“Their events that I have experienced are really uplifting and thoughtful and make me feel like I’ve found a soul family.” – Claire
Jilani Cordelia and Robert Salik lead dance events and retreats around the UK, across Europe and beyond. Their workshops are always a safely held space to explore more of who you really are, supported and enchanted by beautiful live music and gentle, meditative movement. Both Jilani Cordelia and Robert Salik are dance leaders certified in the Leaders Guild of Dances of Universal Peace International. Jilani is also a dance mentor, and a guide in the Sufi Ruhaniat International. Jilani and Salik are delighted to be returning once again to Wales, to a land and a community very close to their hearts. We are looking forward to dancing with you!